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At Life Trust, both children and young adults are individually supported through sponsorships. Find out more about our sponsorship programs here.


Enable a child in Kabwe to have the chance for a better future through education. Through sponsorships, our sponsored children, who mostly come from precarious homes and with their extended families, receive individual support from social workers, medical care, lunch or food supplies for the family. This way, not only the child benefits, but an entire family can benefit from your sponsorship.

Project Jonathan Sponsorships

Support promising high school graduates in their tertiary education journey and shape the leaders of tomorrow. A Jonathan Sponsorship project provides the opportunity for a scholarship to attend a vocational school or university. Additionally, candidates experience spiritual and character growth through individual mentoring and discipleship training.

School Sponsorships

The goal of our sponsorship program at Life Trust is to provide orphans and other needy children in Kabwe with a chance for a better future through education. You can help by supporting a sponsored child with a donation of 40$ per month.

Learn more about our Life Trust School Waya





At our Life Trust School Waya, our sponsored children receive a high-quality education and are provided with all necessary school materials. Additionally, our sponsored children who attend our partner schools in Kabwe benefit from the payment of their school fees and also receive additional tutoring sessions.


In Zambia, uniforms are mandatory at all schools. Therefore, our sponsorship includes a free uniform for your sponsored child. The school uniform is worn by the children with great pride. The uniforms at Life Trust School Waya are even produced in our own tailoring workshop.


For Zambian families, every illness is a significant burden that must be managed and privately paid for alongside the already challenging living conditions. Through sponsorships, sponsored children receive the medical care needed in case of illness free of charge.


The children at our Life Trust School Waya receive a nutritious warm meal cooked from fresh and local ingredients every day. It's important to us that the children have a healthy and balanced diet that helps them grow and thrive.


Each of our sponsored children is individually supported by our social workers (Child & Community Advisors) who work closely with the children and their families and visit them regularly. These social workers are trained through workshops from Life Trust to better accompany the children.


We do not only desire for the children and their families to escape the cycle of poverty but also for them to come to know Jesus Christ. Discipleship and prayer are fundamental aspects of all Life Trust initiatives.
*It's also possible to sign up for a half sponsorship for a child for 20$ per month. However, in this case, some services for sponsors are limited due to administrative reasons.



Children with disabilities are a particularly vulnerable group threatened by poverty, exclusion, and abuse in Zambia. Through our partnership with a school for children with disabilities, it is now possible to sponsor a child with a disability through Life Trust. These special sponsored children receive the same services as all other sponsored children. All of this will contribute to ensuring that children with disabilities also have a chance for a better future, experiencing the love and care they deserve.

Project Jonathan

After successfully completing Grade 12 (High School), we offer students the opportunity to participate in our Project Jonathan. Participants begin in January with an eight-month orientation course, where they acquire further practical and life skills, with a strong emphasis on character development and Christian living. During the orientation course, young adults can apply for a Life Trust scholarship for vocational training or higher education. Thanks to donations (mostly from Germany), we are currently able to award a limited number of scholarships each year. We are looking for additional donors so that in the future, we can offer around 30 young adults hope for a professional future beyond their school graduation every year.


The name “Project Jonathan” originated in 2009 when a family associated with Life Trust tragically lost their 20-year-old son, Jonathan, suddenly. It became a personal mission for the parents to allocate the funds, intended for their son’s further education, towards a new Life Trust project that would provide sustainable support for young people of his age.


The “Project Jonathan” participants are personally mentored and accompanied by our Zambian Project Jonathan Team, which oversees the project and knows the young people well. Visits to training sites, personal conversations, and close mentoring are among the activities that foster the personal and spiritual growth of the participants, both during the orientation course and while at the tertiary training institutions.


The “Project Jonathan” scholarship provides talented young adults with a guided orientation year after their high school graduation, offering a variety of courses that prepare them for life and potential careers. After this orientation year, the most promising youth are selected for a scholarship for vocational training or university studies.


How does the orientation course work?

It is our concern to prepare the young people of Project Jonathan, who have achieved a secondary school diploma through our sponsorships, for higher education and life in general.

Our orientation course aims to prepare young people more comprehensively for the challenges of life, especially during the transition from secondary school to higher education. The goal is to empower them holistically for independent and responsible living.

The orientation course takes place at the Empowerment Campus, right behind our Life Trust School Waya. This location offers many helpful synergies with our school and empowerment projects.

With their passion for the community, organizational skills, and implementation strength, Milly and Anthony Chitambala are the ideal leaders for this orientation course.

You can read more about the specific contents of the course in the following sections.

Social & Emotional Development

“Who am I?” is probably a central question for young adults in every culture around the world. That’s why units on the topic of identity are a key component of our orientation course. They are designed to help young people explore their character, including their individuality and talents, and to understand how wonderfully God has made them. Our goal is to strengthen their self-confidence through appreciation for their roots and identity. Throughout the program, experienced mentors will be available to accompany them on their journey of personal growth and provide support.

spiritual life

We understand that it’s not enough to educate a child academically and professionally; we also need to support young people in their spiritual growth. The orientation program aims to help them recognize their God-given potential and grow in their personal relationship with God.

Life competences

In addition to the spiritual aspects of the program, it is important for us to recognize that our young people should also acquire life skills such as financial management, responsible use of social media, effective time management, critical thinking, and other essential life skills. Furthermore, the course will be enriched by activities that promote teamwork and strengthen interaction with the community, allowing young people to establish closer connections with various communities in Zambia.

Vocation & Calling

Many young people in compounds like Waya have limited awareness of career opportunities, which are often limited to fields such as education and nursing. This is mainly due to the fact that schools often only present these options for (government) employment, and that in their community, due to the poor economic situation, direct contact with other professions is often lacking. As a result, they lack an understanding of a wide range of possible professions, such as in electrical work, the IT industry, hospitality, or finance, which are in demand in Zambia. This is why introducing young people to a variety of professions is an integral part of our course.

practical skills


The number of sponsors for the Project Jonathan participants is currently not yet sufficient to offer scholarships for vocational training colleges or universities to all participants after the orientation course. Therefore, it is particularly important for us to impart practical skills during the orientation course, allowing the participants to earn a small income within the community. This way, even those who may not be particularly academically inclined but have practical abilities can learn various skills that they can pursue in their professional development. Some of these skills will be taught using the synergy of the Life Trust Empowerment Campus, where we will provide training in basic tailoring and agriculture. Additionally, lessons on woodworking and food processing are also implemented.

body & health

Through the program, we also aim to instill in young people the joy of an active lifestyle. The activities are intended not only to promote physical fitness but also to encourage them to push their perceived limits. This, in turn, helps them build resilience in other areas of life as well.


Many years ago, due to a difficult family situation, Dominic was selected as a Life Trust sponsored child, and despite the precarious conditions at home, he managed to complete up to the 9th grade. Unfortunately, he was unable to continue his education because he did not pass the final exams.

In the meantime, a Life Trust social worker and a teacher from our Life Trust School Waya kept in touch with Dominic.

When we started an empowerment tailoring course in the spring of 2023 and still had some spots available, Dominic also applied. During the course, Dominic stood out above all other participants. We were impressed by his quick grasp and his ability to work extremely accurately. So much so that we offered him the opportunity to attend a government vocational school for training in tailoring and design.

Dominic shares his journey:
"At first, the opportunity to learn sewing didn't appeal to me so much because I always considered it a job for women. I went a week later than everyone else, but soon after, I developed an interest in it. I was also glad that we got lunch every day during the course because often it was the only meal I had that day.
When the tailoring course ended, I was afraid because I had no idea what to do next in my life. I fear I would have definitely made wrong decisions in my life if I hadn't been given this opportunity. Now I will even go for further training at a vocational school. I look forward to working independently and earning my own money."


Natasha is a noticeably determined and resolute young woman. She is 20 years old and has two younger siblings. She completed her high school education in 2021. Following that, she participated in a discipleship training program with our partner organization OM in Kabwe last year.

In 2023, she was eagerly awaiting an opportunity to continue her education. In the meantime, she did not remain idle but instead participated in a four-month basic tailoring course in our empowerment project. She performed really well in this as well and showed strong determination.

Even while Natasha was still in school, she expressed her desire to work in the medical field. Now she has applied for a study placement in Project Jonathan. Together with her, we searched for a suitable university. Northrise University in Ndola, about 4 hours north of Kabwe, stands out above other institutions in the country with its great buildings, beautiful campus, Christian values, good teaching staff, and well-equipped laboratories, libraries, and study rooms.

We are delighted that Natasha is expected to study "Clinical Medicine & Nursing" at Northrise University from January 2023 onwards. ๐Ÿ‘ฉ๐Ÿพโ€๐Ÿซ

She shares about the day she received her scholarship acceptance:
"On that day, it became clear to me that the journey to my dream career had just begun. When I came home, my family rejoiced with me, and I remember not being able to fall asleep and reading the letter over and over again.
I am so grateful to God for enabling me to begin my dream studies."


Josphat has a long history with Life Trust, which resulted in him completing the agriculture basic course at Life Trust Empowerment last year after finishing high school and the discipleship training as part of Project Jonathan. Working in the fields brought him much joy and provided us with a great opportunity to get to know him even better. We are delighted that we could offer him funding for vocational training as an office clerk, which will provide him with a solid foundation in administrative skills.

What sets Josphat apart for us is his openness in facing challenges and admitting his own mistakes, earning the trust of the Project Jonathan staff through his honesty.

It touches us deeply when he shares:
"Luke 7:41-50 tells the story of the parable of two men whose different levels of debt were forgiven. I feel like I identify with the one who would have had to repay more because I have been shown so much grace, even when I made mistakes on my journey of growth. That's why I am very happy and grateful for what Life Trust has done and continues to do for me, especially for supporting me in pursuing proper vocational training."


Thanks to Project Jonathan, Mwanza completed his high school education in 2021. Last year, he completed the discipleship training program at OM, and this year he participated in the tailoring basic course at Life Trust Empowerment.

Recently, Mwanza successfully applied for a senior spot in Project Jonathan with us. His interest lies in the field of digital technologies and computers. Together, we considered several universities and decided on Northrise University. After his successful application there, he will begin his "Computer Science" studies in January 2024.

Mwanza shares: ๐Ÿ‘จ๐Ÿฟโ€๐Ÿ’ป
"Currently, I walk several kilometers multiple times a week to get to the Life Trust office. Here, I am already receiving lessons from the Life Trust team on a PC to learn the basics of computers before starting my studies. I don't mind the walking because I am excited to start my studies in January. I am incredibly excited and motivated to start and successfully complete my studies. I even dream of obtaining a PhD in my field in the future."


Reuben has been part of Project Jonathan since 2018, which has enabled him to attend a local high school. Three years have passed since he completed his high school education. In September of this year, we were finally able to offer him a place at university. Since then, he has been studying medicine and loves every moment of his student life.

Reuben shares the moment he received the scholarship acceptance from Project Jonathan: ๐Ÿ‘จ๐Ÿฟโ€๐Ÿ’ป
"The opportunity to be sponsored for my studies was a true answer to prayer for me. The joy and excitement were so overwhelming that I didn't know whether to cry or laugh with happiness. It was truly a special moment for me.
As I opened the letter and read the message, I felt acknowledged and affirmed in my self-worth. The fact that my efforts and abilities were seen boosted my confidence. I felt genuine relief, which reduced my fears about the future. The burden was lifted not only from my shoulders but also from those of my family because we could hardly imagine how we would afford to send me to university. In that moment, I knew I would be the first in my family to attend university. This fact not only motivates me to work hard, succeed, and continue to grow, but it also fills me with a sense of peace and tranquility.
I am grateful to God and Life-Trust for considering me for further education. I will work hard and always be grateful. My goal is to make everyone proud who selected me as one of the sponsored students."

Project Jonathan

Precious Zulu

After over 6 years in Project Jonathan, Precious not only completed her high school education but also successfully finished her pharmacy degree. She is a shining example in her family and community.

Benson Kasungo

Thanks to a Project Jonathan scholarship, Benson was able to complete a Bachelor’s degree in Environmental Science. With this, he is the first in his family to ever attend university. It was wonderful to see how proud his family was of him and how much they celebrated his success with him.



Many young people have the potential to achieve great things. Through a Project Jonathan sponsorship, you give them the opportunity to fulfill this potential.
  • You decide the amount of your monthly sponsorship contribution. For example, a contribution of 150$ per month can finance a university education including support and living expenses.
  • With a Project Jonathan sponsorship, you become a sponsor of an entire group of young adults in university or vocational training.
  • You will receive comprehensive sponsor letters twice a year with current information about the project’s development.
  • Additionally, if you wish, you will receive informative newsletters* four times a year. (*German only)
  • Your donations are tax-deductible in Germany.
  • The sponsorship can be terminated at any time.