Life Trust Zambia sees itself as a branch of the Mülheimer Verband Freikirchlich-Evangelischer Gemeinden e.V. (MV*) in Zambia. The MV consists of 43 communities between Schwenningen (Baden-Württemberg) and Niebüll (Schleswig-Holstein) with approximately 4600 adult members.
The MV is ecumenically connected with other churches and free churches through membership in the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Christlicher Kirchen (ACK*) and the Vereinigung Evangelischer Freikirchen (VeF*). With its missionary work, it is a member of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Evangelikaler Missionen (AEM*).
Since the end of 1982, the association has been involved in Zambia (see History*) and entered into a partnership with the Zambian “Christian Community Church” (CCC) in 1986. Twelve years later, on July 16, 1998, Life Trust was founded in consultation with the MV. The Zambia Mission Commission, appointed by the MV General Assembly (headed by Dieter Stiefelhagen*), is responsible for the MV department of mission in Zambia (administration of funds, personnel deployment, cooperation with Life Trust).